Wederom een update: vanwege de wind zijn de juniorennummers voor vanmiddag (blok 5) geschrapt. De rest van de races lijkt vooralsnog door te gaan. De velden 1 tot en met 6 starten, behalve enkele ploegen die niet willen starten vanwege de heftige wind.
De organisatie van de roeivierkamp heeft vanwege de weersverwachting ingegrepen. Het programma wordt veranderd. Alle wedstrijden over 2500 en 250 meter van vandaag worden geannuleerd. In plaats daarvan zijn er vandaag voor de velden 1 tm. 17 wedstrijden over 750 meter. Dit is het nieuwe tijdschema:

Inmiddels zijn de Razende Reporters ook te beluisteren. Hieronder (in het Engels) nadere informatie (11.11 u).
Due to the current weather conditions we decided to adjust the racing programme as follows:
All 2500 meters and 250 meters races are cancelled for today and will be raced on Sunday with the time schedule that was originally planned for Saturday.
All 750 m races that were scheduled for tomorrow are rescheduled for today. That means that all crews who originally would row the 750 meters tomorrow, will row this today conform the original Sunday time schedule. The 750 meters will be rowed in pairs that are based on the current draw.
An updated version of the time table will be published as soon as possible. Be sure to check this carefully.
With regard to bownumber pick-up:
Today, the pick-up time for crews that start at 16h00 is between 14h00-15h00. The pick-up time for crews that start at 17h30 is between 15h30-16h30.
Please take note of the zones you should gather before the start.
Tomorrow, the bownumber pick-up for Sunday races: 2500 meters and 250 meters follo the original Saturday timeschedule.
All coxes who will race today should weigh in two hours before their start time.
All lightweight crews should weigh in: Lightweight women’s crews between 12h00 and 14h00; lightweight men’s crews between 14h00 and 16h00